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Since Huang Wen was a child; he followed his father Huang Jui-Yuan, which is a wood carving artist, and played in the studio. He would imitate and take a graver to carve a wood. In that surrounding, he was affected what he saw and has great interest in wood carving. Compared with his peers, Huang Wen has already known the technique of carving and materials since his was a child. After learning in the academy few years makes his various sculptures and the style belongs to him. He was going to go advanced study in Japan, but due to the epidemic the plan was postponed. During the period, he kept creating in his father's studio .

黃文 HUANG Wen



BFA, Changhua Da-Yeh University of the  Plastic Arts

【 嚮往翱翔_四季 】   58x33x26 cm  I  牛樟  I  黃文  2022
【 信天 翁 】  100x33x35cm  I  樟木、黑鐵  I  黃文  2020
【 信天 翁-1 】  100x33x35cm  I  樟木、黑鐵  I  黃文  2020
【 信天 翁(局部) 】  100x33x35cm  I  樟木、黑鐵  I  黃文  2020
【 Nineteen 】   70x68x26cm  I  樟木、黑鐵  I  黃文  2021
【 Nineteen-1 】   70x68x26cm  I  樟木、黑鐵  I  黃文  2021
【 Nineteen (局部) 】   70x68x26cm  I  樟木、黑鐵  I  黃文  2021Nineteen - 70x68x26 - 黃文
【 嚮往翱翔01 】   75x43 cm  I  樟木、黑鐵  I  黃文  2019
【 嚮往翱翔01-1 】   75x43 cm  I  樟木、黑鐵  I  黃文  2019
【 嚮往翱翔01-2 】   75x43 cm  I  樟木、黑鐵  I  黃文  2019
【 嚮往翱翔02 】   25x15x30 cm  I  複合媒材  I  黃文  2019

學歷│ ​ 2018  大葉大學造形藝術系畢業 ​得獎紀錄│ ​ 台灣國際木雕競賽入選  展覽│ ​ 2022-21「ONE ART藝術博覽會」‧ 美丘 2021「台南藝術博覽會」‧ 美丘 2020  ONE ART Taipei 藝博聯展‧ 美丘美朮 ‧ 台北 2020「台中、ONE ART藝術博覽會」‧ 美丘 2019  我有一把刀 聯展 2018  反展櫃 師生聯展 2018  剝皮寮畢業聯展 2018  新一代設計展

​美丘美朮  Mioka Art
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地址  Address:408台中市南屯區文心一路301號 

                    No. 301, Wenxin 1st Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408 , Taiwan

開放時間 Open Time:週二 (Tue.) ~ 週六 (Sat.) 10:30~18:00

電話 Tel:+886 4 2702 0628

手機 Mobile:+886 912 79 5775

Line ID:@213uidiu


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