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聽 風雨 黃瑞元 個展

Listen.  Wind and Rain

黃瑞元 個展 Huang Jui Yuan solo exhibition

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「聽.風雨」 -  黃瑞元木雕個展

  撰文   靈視派詩人薛赫赫

「聽.風雨」―― 我們正被無聲的風雨吸引著,被黃瑞元作品將身軀衣袍化為風雨的獨特木雕表現,以及深邃幽遠的



Ah! Listening to Huang Jui-Yuan’s Spiritual Storm

Visionary Poet - Shue He-He

    In “Listen. Wind and Rain,” Huang Jui-Yuan’s unique woodcarving expression attracts us by giving the impression that the body and clothing are being affected by the silent wind and rain; the deep and distant scar holes are reminiscent of stormy coastal cliffs that have waves crashing into them. This ancient lighthouse stood throughout the ages shining into the darkness, as light revolving through the suffering gave prominence to the remote spirit. Looking into the distance, it

is alone in the vastness depth of life.

    Listening to the wind and rain in the moment means taking notice of both the external wind and rain as well as the internal wind and rain of our personal trials and hardships, as the wind and rain are both qualitative and invisible. The wind and rain appear in various forms that correspond to various life issues: the spring rain is silent, the summer wind is hypnotizing, the autumn rain is worrisome, and the winter wind is as strong as frost. …or the rain is sweet and moist, or warm with the breeze, or destroys violently. The avenues of wind and rain are ruthless and leave behind countless emotional memories and notches in nature, the world, the home, the body, and the soul. These countless layers of chiseled imprints have a unique personality to hear one’s own voice in the wind and rain. In “Listen. Wind and Rain,” we can see the unique scenery constructed by Huang Jui-Yuan that that moves us to consider the "Ah! This World," artwork series and observe the spiritual storm.  


展訊IExhibition Info.


日期 | Date2020.09.25(Fri.) - 11.29(Sun.)

地點 | Add:500 彰化市公園路一段51號 ( 彰化美術館 旁 節孝祠 )

                            No. 51, Sec. 1, Gongyuan Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County 500

時間 | Time:11:00 ~ 17:30


*美丘美朮 聯絡人 鍾金玉 / 0912 79 5775

關於參訪,幾點說明 :
1. 當收到您的預約來信,將會有專人電話與您再次確認參訪時段。
2. 美丘美朮 將會於展場安排專人導覽解說。
3. 未事前預約來訪,將視現場狀況開放入場。
4. 因應疫情關係,展覽參訪時段,展場空間以 8位參訪者為限。
5. 請協助填妥下列相關資料,利於現場核對與安排。

1. When we receive your visit reservations, our representatives will call you reconfirm the visiting time.
2. Mioka Art will have docent on the exhibition for guide. 
3. Admission for visitors without reservation in advance will depend on real visit condition.
4. Due to the COVID-19, the number of visitors for each period is  eight persons.
5. Please fill in the form for identification and arrangements.


地址:500彰化縣彰化市公園路一段51號(彰化美術館 旁 節孝祠)

*自行開車(建議路線:台74線 轉 139縣道 前往)




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