李曜丞 LI Yao Cheng
BFA, Changhua Da-Yeh University of the Plastic Arts
『曜』系列創作源自李曜丞的姓名,象徵著光明照耀,即為:日出有曜。 然而創作除了滿足心中想表達的欣喜雀躍,卻也是糾結與孤獨的過程· 李曜丞 近期的作品汨汨流淌著溫暖的心思,他嘗試以更豐富的媒材 ( 除了石材之外、包跨稀有礦物,水晶 或是百年樹木枝幹.. 等 ) 來表達生命的驚喜、悸動與熱力。 就彷彿他是作品裡的小偶,『獨自漫步在光耀的曠野或森林中,細品萬籟寂靜時熾熱跳動的心音 . 』. 曜丞自述: 之於藝術創作,曾覺得自己就像身處在一個陰暗的山洞裡,面對前方的未知,數次想停下腳步, 困頓躊躇著曾經嚮往的壯遊。但總莫名的會被四散角落那似乎隱隱發光的石頭點亮思緒的路, 隨之而來的是極為清晰的思路。 「只有繼續趨光前行,才知道這條路通往何處」
When Tim Lee studied in university, one day he saw a discarded marble on the corner of the art studio; he thought that if had the marble ever longed to be found its existence? Meanwhile, he felt the inner thought that he wants to be seen by the world. ‘Phototaxis’ is Tim’s idea for creation at first. The most life in the world is phototactic. Due to the light, people can see the wonderful world. Usually he chooses the marble form Taiwan for creation. He chisels the marble to show the beautiful grain and then epoxy the gap. Also, he does the mirror polishing let the light shining through gap. He said: once he had thought he was in a dark cave and faced an uncertain future; many times, he thought to stop his pace and left the courageous journey away. However every shining stone on corner lit the path and surroundings; it released the inner nerves and anxiety. In retrospect, the forgotten marble on the corner leads him to the creative journey continually. During the creative journey, light gives him the power of calm. Also, every marble is chiseled elaborately and filled with the wish from light.
學歷│ 2014 大葉大學造形藝術系畢業 2010 常春藤高中 2006 Quality Schools International 得獎紀錄│ 2002 何香凝美術館「我的家」攝影 繪畫比賽中獲得繪畫少兒組優秀獎 2012 總太建設攝影比賽入選 2014 大葉大學造形設計系最佳技術獎 展覽│ 2022「ART TAIPEI台北藝術國際博覽會」‧ 美丘 2022-21「ONE ART藝術博覽會」‧ 美丘 2021「台南藝術博覽會」‧ 美丘 2020「趨光前行」個展‧ 美丘 2021「高雄、台中、福爾摩沙、ONE ART藝術博覽會」‧ 美丘 2019「高雄、台中、台南、新竹、福爾摩沙、FUTURE藝術博覽會」‧ 美丘 2018「高雄、台中、台南、新竹、福爾摩沙藝術博覽會」‧ 美丘 2017「高雄、台中、福爾摩沙藝術博覽會」‧ 美丘 2016「高雄、台中、福爾摩沙藝術博覽會」‧ 美丘 2016 新一代設計展‧台北 2015 主辦大葉大學石材工坊「從為什麼開始」 2015 台中ZASSO草也舉辦「趨光性」個展 2014 主辦大葉大學石材工坊「刻刻」