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宋勝浩  SONG Seung Ho



​College of Fine Arts graduate King Se-Jong University

       我很喜歡畫松樹,是因為作畫過程就像是在跟松樹對話,妙不可言。因此,高興時畫的松看起來氣韻生動、怡然自得 ; 心情低落時畫松樹則反映出自己哀傷的情緒;這同時也讓欣賞作品的人,感受到我創作當時的思緒與情感,很微妙。

I enjoy painting pine trees, because it felt like a conversation with the pine trees during the creation process, the experience is too fascinating to put down in words. Thus, the pine trees painted when I was in a good mood, it looks animation with life; when I was down, it’s reflecting my sorrow; this also makes the audience can tell my emotion from the painting.

寫生一直是 宋勝浩 創作很重要的靈感來源。 每次到濟州島旅行,漢孥山上堅毅挺拔的松樹,總深深的吸引著他情不自勝的地畫出松樹迷人姿態與風吹搖曳時的光影扶疏,那彷彿與老友間暢然對話,透過筆墨躍然於畫面。 2017歲末,宋勝浩 陪著老母親整理櫃子裡頭泛黃的照片,此時母親憶起父親曾經提到:『當時他繼承遺產時並非田地、樓房,而是數百棵的松樹』 . .. 他突然意識到是否在父親繼承遺產當下,就造就了他與松樹之間連結起深厚的淵源呢!? 盤起頭髮,悠遊於松林間,俯拾都是 宋勝浩 創作靈感的來源,他會挑選傳統『韓紙』與60年以上的老墨來作畫,安定的老紙與沈厚的老墨韻,讓畫面光影與空間主體間的表達更安舒流暢,遠山、翠松、斜陽、巨石、滄松或是雲霧繚繞,他總能以水墨創作將情感氛圍表達得淋漓盡致。 當我在欣賞這件作品,看著春光灑落、颯颯風起 ,畫面猶如宋勝浩對松樹說:『我在樹下看著你』,那種物我兩忘的浪漫,松樹的挺拔枝幹與茂盛的葉脈,似乎正回應著彼此相遇的悸動。

Sketching has always been an important source of inspiration for Song Seung-Ho. Every trip he takes to Jeju Island, the upright pine trees on the Hallasan that always profoundly attracted him to draw the glamour gesture of the pine trees and the swaying shadow of the wind blowing, it felt like a smooth conversation with old friends, appear vividly on the painting through brush and ink. The year-end of 2017, Song Seung-Ho with his mother to sort out the yellowed pictures in the cabinet, meanwhile, his mother remembers his father had said:” at that time, I inherited neither land nor houses, but hundreds of pine trees…” The moment he heard this, he contemplated if the pine trees bring up the deep connection with him? To wear his long hair in a bun, leisurely among the pine trees, the inspiration of Song Seung-Ho is everywhere around. He chooses the traditional Korean paper and more than 60 years old ink to paint, the stable old paper and the thick old ink make the expression between the light and shadow of the picture and the space subject more suitable and fluent. Distant mountain, emerald pine, setting sun, boulder, withered pine and the wreathed mist, he can always express the emotion completely with Chinese brush painting. ​ When I appreciate the paint, watching the spring light streaming, the wind comes rustle, the picture imagines like Song Seung-Ho said to the pine tree: “I’ve been watching you under the tree”, the kind of the romance that forgetting everything, the upright branches and the lush foliage of the pine trees seems to be responding to the throbbing of each other’s encounter.

個展│ ​ 2018 Gallery A.P invitation ‧首爾 2017 Gallery A.P invitation ‧首爾 2016 Sol-Geo Art Museum ‧慶州           Gallery co-op invitation ‧首爾 2014 Sinsun museum ‧木浦 2013 Gallery A.P invitation ‧首爾          Insa Art Center ‧首爾 2011 Kyungin Art Museum ‧首爾          Gallery Atti invitation ‧首爾          Gallery A.P invitation ‧首爾 2009 Gallery Is  ‧首爾 ​ ​聯展│ ​ 2021「台南藝術博覽會」·美丘 2019「高雄、台中、台南、新竹、福爾摩沙藝術博覽會」‧ 美丘 2018「高雄、台中、台南、新竹、福爾摩沙藝術博覽會」‧ 美丘 2017「高雄、台中、福爾摩沙藝術博覽會」‧ 美丘 2016「高雄藝術博覽會」‧ 美丘 2016「北京國際藝術博覽會」‧北京 2015 Gallery co-op Opening ceremony ‧首爾 2014 Eunpyeong Art Association Exhibition ‧首爾 2013「台北國際藝術博覽會」‧台北 2013「香港當代藝術博覽會」‧香港 2012 Eunpyeong Art Association Exhibition ‧首爾 2011 Korea and China Art-Fair ‧中國 2011 Art people Opening ceremony ‧首爾 2010 Eunpyeong Art Association Exhibition ‧首爾 2010 Korean Art 100 people 100 color ‧首爾 2009 Eunpyeong Art Association Exhibition ‧首爾

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