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王乙 WANG Yi


BFA, Changhua Da-Yeh University of the  Plastic Arts

身邊熟悉的人、事、物,總讓人感到安心自在,設想若是那一天自己突然跨出已經習慣的「舒適圈」之後,那所要面對的未知襲上心頭,確實讓人不安。 王乙:「對我來說,舒適圈並非是一個令人安心之處,反倒是有點危險,長時間沈溺於舒適自在的環境,反而讓自我的感官和敏銳度降低,進而忽視外在世界的種種。」 王乙的作品有著特別的語言,兼容女性創作者的細膩心思與直接有力的塑形表達。 她早期的作品都有人臉與非人體比例的肢體呈現,看似沒有表情的人臉,情緒卻特別豐富,讓觀者有種熟悉卻只能心領神會的直接。   ​ ​

The familiar people, things, and objects beside are always makes people settle down and comfort. One day, if people step out the comfort zone; the coming up unsure future makes people restless indeed. Wang Yi : " For me, the comfort zone is not a place makes me settle down. It's dangerous instead. Indulging in comfort zone long time make one's decreased the sensitivity of five senses, and ignore every other things in the world. " Wang Yi's works have special language, which tells a female creator's sensitive mind and strongly expression by the sculpture. In the early stage, her works are expressed with people face and body, which is not in normal proportion. It seems there is no facial expression, however, there is various emotions, which is familiar to viewers‘ mood and spirit, on it.

【 舒適圈01】
【 擱淺的人 】
【 舒適圈】
【 舒適圈 】

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