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作品:高牆 II

Artwork:High wall II . ..


Media:Natural Stone & Epoxy Resin

尺寸(Size):39 x 33 x 15.5 cm


高牆 II


李曜丞 大學時期,偶然間在學校工作室角落看見一顆被棄置的大理石。




『高牆II 』是『趨光微觀』系列作品的近期創作,是顆參雜著白色紋理的迷人黑色大理石。運用他熟捻的技法,讓光線透過石縫映著迸裂的肌理汨汨流洩暖光,略帶忐忑情緒的小偶在峽谷之中趨光前行,著實有著溫暖與安定的氛圍,讓人悠遊其中。


『趨光性』,是 李曜丞 在創作初期的發想。環視地球上絕大部分的生物都有趨光性,人們也因為有光始得看見美麗的萬物。






曾經覺得自己就像身處在一個陰暗的山洞裡,面對前方的未知,數次想停下腳步,離開這不知哪來勇氣的壯遊。但角落一塊塊的石頭為我照亮周圍的道路 心裡的焦慮與不安也是乎得到了緩解 隨之而來的是一個極為清晰的思路 「只有繼續趨光前行才知道這條路通往何處」。




High wall II


When Tim Lee studied in university, one day he saw a discarded marble on the corner of the art studio; he thought that if had the marble ever longed to be found its existence? Meanwhile, he felt the inner thought that he wants to be seen by the world.


‘High wall II’ is a recent creation in the series works of ‘Phototactic microword’. It is a charming black marble with white grains. With his proficient skill, the light shining through the gap makes a warm atmosphere. The perturbed man follows the light and walks in the valley. However the warm and peace give the man a leisurely atmosphere.


‘Phototaxis’ is Tim’s idea for creation at first. The most life in the world is phototactic. Due to the light, people can see the wonderful world.


Usually he chooses the marble form Taiwan for creation. He chisels the marble to show the beautiful grain and then epoxy the gap. Also, he does the mirror polishing let the light shining through gap. The series of ‘Phototactic microword’ is developed from his life experience.


He said: once he had thought he was in a dark cave and faced an uncertain future; many times, he thought to stop his pace and left the courageous journey away. However every shining stone on corner lit the path and surroundings; it released the inner nerves and anxiety.


In retrospect, the forgotten marble on the corner leads him to the creative journey continually.

During the creative journey, light gives him the power of calm. Also, every marble is chiseled elaborately and filled with the wish from light.

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